Monday, April 1, 2019

Shedding Winter

It's been a rough winter, but now that spring is finally taking hold, things seem to be on the up and up. During the winter season, my family and I ski/snowboard on the weekends at Berkshire East. I completely enjoy this change in exercise. It is a great cross-training activity that really helps strengthen my legs. Plus, it is a nice way to enjoy the cold weather and get some fresh air. It seems to make the winter go by more quickly. 
While I was reveling in the wonder of the ski season, one weekend in February, for no particular reason, my back started to kill me after one morning on the slopes. I had no idea why my back felt tweaked after skiing--I didn't take a bad fall, I didn't twist weirdly or sharply, I didn't crash into anything or anyone--but nonetheless my back was out of whack after that day. I could not straighten up for about a week, and after 3 weeks with visits to my massage therapist combined with at home stretching exercises and foam rolling, I was still not quite right. What a mess!
I tried my best to keep "running" throughout this period of time, my pace was greatly decreased along with my mileage. I was at bare minimum mileage for February. Miraculously, I squeaked out my 100 miles for the month, but just barely. I was so annoyed by this because I was so energized after my California race in January, and I came home determined to add weight training back into my regimen. So much for that in February. (Meant to post these sooner, but here are 3 fabulous pics from the CA race taken by the official photographer, Rob Nelms. It is rare that all three of us would take a great race photo while running, so here's the proof...)
Hazel on the course. Making it look so easy.
Myself, flashing a smile and big wave.
TJ the running man, peace out!
Also in February, we experienced the death of one of our dear family members on my husband's side. Having the family together to grieve was a blessing, but my diet suffered around this few weeks with lots of comfort foods around. So basically, I was eating too much fattening food and not running enough. February was a cruel month, for sure. 
March brought a bit of change. My back finally came around to feeling normal, and with Lent upon us, I decided to clean up my calorie intake by giving up my favorite snack of cheese & crackers along with all alcohol. Plus, I've tried to just eat cleaner during this time. I also started off the month with a Beach Body 3-day Refresh, which is always hard, but it really helped me to refocus and get out of the comfort food mindset. The month of March ended up being a real bang up month...I clocked 125 miles for the month and lost about 5 pounds. Not too shabby. 
And now the weather is starting to improve, which feels magnificent! Spring is my absolute favorite season for running. I love the smell of the dirt and the blooming spring flowers and trees. I love the feel of the sunshine, fresh from its winter freeze. I love shedding the heavy layers and getting back outside, freeing myself from the confines of the treadmill. It is such a season of renewal, and it helps make running feel fresh again. I have started up the spring edition of the running club at the school where I work, and the kids are so happy to be back outside having fun. It feels so joyous!
I'm relieved for all of this change, as I have a race coming up at the end of April and was unsure about my training with my back being so bad in February. Thankfully, I feel good and strong right now, and I've been able to add weight training back in to my routine, so I hope I will be even better by the end of the month. Looking forward to the Kentucky Derby Festival Mini-Marathon (#44).
May your spring be filled with a newness, be it running, or some other activity. Get out there and enjoy whatever your passion may be! Time to leave winter far behind!

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